Formation of the L1Hs retroelement in the intron of the MGMT gene of hominoidea

  • O. V. Pidpala
  • L. L. Lukash


Aim. Analyze the formation of a human-specific L1Hs element in the intron 3 of the MGMT gene on an example of a hominid.  Methods. The results of the search and identification of mobile genetic elements were performed using the CENSOR program. The homology between nucleotide sequences was determined by BLAST 2.6.1. Results. The components of the cluster, where the L1Hs element in the human being was formed, are fragments of the L1PA6 element, which are common in the monkeys of the Old and New World. In the gibbon, among the L1 element groups, there are representatives of older subfamilies (L1PB, L1MC, L1MD and L1ME), and the partial homology to the L1Hs of the element is predominantly of elements of groups that have arisen in the mammalian genomes. Conclusions. Formation of a human-specific L1Hs element occurred during the evolution of Hominoidea in parallel with the formation of the cluster structure of MGE in humans from different subfamilies of LINE1-elements whose component components, obviously, also involved in the formation of the L1Hs element.

Keywords: Hominoidea, MGMT gene, intron 3, human-specific L1Hs element.


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