In vitro screening of promising winter common wheat lines for tolerance to water deficit

  • S. V. Pykalo
  • O. A. Demydov
  • T. V. Yurchenko
  • N. I. Prokopik
  • O. V. Humeniuk


Aim. To conduct in vitro screening of promising winter common wheat lines for tolerance to water deficit by direct selection and using low molecular mannitol. Methods. Plant tissue culture methods, in vitro selection, statistical evaluation. Results. Genotypic responses to osmotic stress in in vitro culture of wheat manifesting by different highest survival rate and different regenerative ability under the action of a stress factor. It was established that the concentration of 0.6 M mannitol to differentiate wheat genotypes for water deficit. It was found that the most resistant to osmotic stress was the line Erytrospermum 60068 because its calli under selective conditions had the highest survival rate, different highest regeneration potential and only from explants of this genotype after cultivation on the medium containing mannitol concentration of 0.8 M regenerated plants were obtained. The line Liutestsens 60100 was most susceptible to water deficit because in its calli, under selective conditions, mass necrosis and lack of regenerative ability were observed. Conclusions. The line Erytrospermum 60068 can be used as a valuable material for further breeding of wheat. The obtained results are definite contribution to the study of both theoretical and practical aspects of wheat drought tolerance and can be used as elements of breeding programs.

Keywords: winter common wheat, osmotic stress, tolerance, callus. 


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