Natives of Ukraine – famous scientists abroad

  • R. P. Piskun
  • N. M. Hrynchak
  • V. M. Shkarupa
  • O. V. Sprut
  • S. S. Chlestova


Aim. To highlight the distinguished names and dates of scientific activity of Ukrainian scientists who were born and educated in Ukraine and who have enriched with their scientific achievements the world biological and medical sciences. Methods. Study of biobibliographic editions, in particular personal indexes and important sources of basic scientific researches, which record the achievements of Ukrainian scientists, as well as summarize their contributions to the national and world science, culture, information about education. Results. The published information about the activity of Ukrainian scientists is of undeniable interest to all who are interested in the achievements of world and Ukrainian biological science. It is emphasized that the scientist is not only a researcher, worker and creator of the new, but also a fighter. All the life of a scientist - the struggle for the achievement of this goal, for the disclosure of the secrets of nature, for the recognition of their works, discoveries, laws, for their promulgation and approval. Unfortunately, we cannot cover the whole list of well-known Ukrainian scientists, since great people are brilliant, but we hope that every prominent scientist will not be forgotten. Conclusions. Biographies of prominent scientists from Ukraine will help them to get into their worldview, to feel the unbridled passion of the research, to understand the way they think, to trace the way in which they came to their discoveries. It is our duty to know our history, our luminaries of science, technology, and culture.

Keywords: Ukraine, scientists, biologists, doctors, researchers.


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