Assessment of introgression wheat lines for yield, protein yield and resistance to diseases

  • I. I. Моtsnyi
  • O.O. Molodchenkova
  • V.N. Bezlyudnyi
  • М.А. Litvinenko
  • Ye.А. Hоlub
  • J.S. Fanin


Aim. To determine the value of breeding traits from new sources by studying the resistance to diseases, protein content and their relationship with the productivity of introgression wheat lines. Methods. Growing plants under infection backgrounds of wheat diseases was combined with the laboratory methods for determining protein content and weight of 1000 kernels. Results. Disease resistance has depended on the pathogen species and the source of alien variability. Prolonged resistance to stem rust has been observed only among the derivatives of the collection sample H74/90-245, containing the translocation 1BL.1RS in the karyotype and T. timopheevii in the pedigree. Derivatives Ae. tauschii gradually lost the resistance to the time of full maturation. Conclusions. The parameters of plant resistance to diseases, protein content and yield, absolute protein content in 1000 kernels should be used for the material selection. The best lines have been selected from 736 introgression lines. They characterized by high productivity in some years, large grain, high protein content, disease resistance, adaptability to local environments and devoid of the wild species negative qualities. The lines are of interest for further breeding work in the south of Ukraine. Lines with leaf pubescence from T. timopheevii and with modified translocation 1BL.1RSm were characterized by low productivity.
Keywords: wheat, introgression lines, disease resistance, protein content, productivity.


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