Study of the intrapopulation polymorphism of Trifolium repens L. from Lanivtsi under the anthropogenic load of various intensity

  • M. M. Kryzhanovska
  • N. Ya. Holub
  • M. Z. Prokopiak
  • H. M. Holinei


Aim. To study the phenotypic polymorphism of Trifolium repens L. populations growing under various anthropogenic load. Methods. The quantitative calculation of the leaves of the white clover by the presence or absence of the white leaf mark; the identification of the phenotype and genotype of the plant according to the pattern of the white leaf mark; the analysis of the phenotypic diversity and the study of the percentage of rare phenotypes; the calculation of the index of the phenotypes ratio. Results. 4 phenotypes were identified in the pasture area. The most common of them were the plants without the white mark with a frequency of 56.2 %. The plants with a full spot accounted for 27.5 %, with a spot with a gap – 15.4 %, with a central spot – 2.2 %. Heterozygous plants were absent. In the central part of the city, 7 genotypes were identified. Among these genotypes there were the significant decrease of the recessive homozygotes (by 43.6 %) and the increase of the frequency of VV (by 15.2 %) and VHVH (by 21.2 %) genotypes. Heterozygotes accounted for 1.3–3.0 %. The intrapopulation diversity in this territory was the highest (5.1) among the studied areas. In the population growing near Ternopil-Lanivtsi road, we identified 6 genotypes. The plants without spot (vv) and with the full spot (VV) were found with identical frequency of 34–35 %. The plants with a full high spot (VHVH) were about 20.4 %. Other phenotypes amounted to 10 %. Conclusions. In the populations located in ecologically polluted and anthropogenically loaded areas, the sets of alleles expand and the specific phenotypes appear under the influence of the mutation processes and natural selection. In the population without the anthropogenic load the decrease of the polymorphism and the increase of the frequency of individual genotypes (vv, VV) were observed.

Keywords: Trifolium repens L., leaf phenotype, intrapopulation polymorphism, multiple allelism, bioindication, anthropogenic load.


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