Jacob’s ladder Polemonium caeruleum L. and black salsify Sсorzonera hispanica L. in vitro culture

  • O. V. Bulko
  • L. G. Lioshina


Aim. Micropropagation of Jacob’s ladder Polemonium caeruleum L. and black salsify Scorzonera hispanica L., obtaining root culture and regenerated plants. Methods. In vitro plant cultivation, medium composition modification for micropropagation, inoculation of explants with agrobacterial strains. Results. In vitro cultures of Jacob’s ladder and black salsify have been obtained, the optimal medium composition has been determined for the effective plants multiplication, rooting and growth, root cultures and regenerated plants of studied species have been obtained. Conclusions. Obtained technology of in vitro culture establishment of P. caeruleum and S. hispanica can be used for plants microclonal propagation so as root culture and regenerated plants acquiring due to the agrobacterial transformation – for further studies of secondary metabolism of these plants.

Keywords: P. caeruleum L., S. hispanica L., micropropagation, phytohormones, root culture.


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