Secondary amenorrhea in girls: genealogical and cytogenetic features

  • N. V. Bagatska
  • V.E. Nefidova
  • S.V. Novohatska


Aim. To determine genealogical and cytogenetic features in girls aged 12-17 years with secondary amenorrhea. Methods. The analysis of pedigrees was conducted in 25 families of girls with secondary amenorrhea (main group) and in 25 families of healthy girls in the laboratory of medical genetics of SI "ICAНС NAMS". Cytogenetic analysis was carried out in the blood lymphocytes of the girls of the main and control groups in vitro. The control group consisted of 25 healthy peer girls with a regular menstrual cycle without somatic pathology. The data obtained were analyzed statistically using the Student's t-test in Excel programs. Results. The hereditary burden on non-inflammatory (hormone-dependent) gynecological diseases was found in 60.0% of families, in 86.6% of cases – along the maternal line, in 6.7% – along the paternal line, in 6.7% – on both lines at the same time; 40.0% of girls had no hereditary burden. The total incidence of gynecological (non-inflammatory) diseases among relatives of three degrees of kinship was 13.6%, which was almost three times higher than the frequency in relatives of healthy girls (5.1%, p < 0.001). Cytogenetic analysis conducted in girls of the main group showed an increase in both the overall level of chromosomal disorders (6.2%), and their individual types (3.2%. 3.0%, 1.56%) compared to the frequency in healthy girls. Conclusions. Family accumulation of gynecological (non-inflammatory) diseases in the pedigree of girls with secondary amenorrhea has been established. Cytogenetic features in the blood lymphocytes of sick girls are revealed compared to healthy peers. 

Keywords: girls, pedigrees, cytogenetic indices, secondary amenorrhea.


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