Selection-genetic features of spring barley varieties in a system of diallel crosses

  • M. R. Kozachenko
  • K. V. Zuieva
  • N. I. Vasko
  • P. M. Solonechny
  • S. I. Sviatchenko


Aim. Establishment of breeding-genetic features of spring barley varieties, their parentals components and hybrids generated via diallel crossing scheme and the efficiency of creating new source material for the crop breeding on their basis. Methods. Breeding and genetic. Statistical (variance, variational, correlation). Responsive. Path analysis. Genetic analyses. Results. Establishing the features of morphological and biological indicators, the level of adaptability, variability, correlation, path analysis, inheritance, combining ability on the basis of varieties and their parent components of spring barley. As a result of the research, the breeding value of varieties as sources of valuable traits was determined and a new source material and a variety of spring barley were created. Conclusions. Selection-genetic features of quantitative traits of spring barley varieties and their parental components have been established. Varieties as sources of valuable traits have been identified. Valuable lines have been created as source material for breeding, as well as barley variety.

Keywords: barley, morpho-biological and genetic features of characters, breeding value, line, variety.


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