Озерненість та інші ознаки продуктивності рослин F1 пшениці м’якої від схрещення форм з транслокаціями 1BL/1RS і 1AL/1RS

  • І. О. Созінов
  • Н. О. Козуб
  • Г. Я. Бідник
  • Н. О. Дем’янова
  • Я. Б. Блюм
  • О. О. Созінов


Aim. Seed set and other productivity traits were studied for looking into the possibility of using hybrids between forms with two wheat-rye translocations in heterotic breeding. Methods. A number of productivity traits of a plant and a spike were analyzed in F1 plants from four crosses between forms with 1AL/1RS and 1ВL/1RS. Results. F1 hybrids with the simultaneous presence of 1AL/1RS and 1ВL/1RS translocations had reduced seed set in comparison with the parental forms. The magnitude of reduction in seed set depended on the genotype. F1 plants from the cross 7086 AR × Myronivska 67 showed heterosis for grain yield number of productive tillers and spikelets per spike. Conclusions. The simultaneous presence of two translocations 1AL/1RS and 1ВL/1RS in F1 plants results in the reduction of seed set, whose magnitude depends on the genotype. However highly heterotic hybrids may be produced with certain crosses.

Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., 1BL/1RS, 1AL/1RS translocation, yield, heterosis, seed set.